Our world is full of automated systems and services, but human interaction is still needed for everything to work properly. Whether it’s a home security system or a Tesla, humans must interact with these automated systems for them to perform as they are intended to. For example, a Tesla still needs an alert driver to give it instructions and operate the vehicle, and while home security systems monitor activity around the house, they need homeowners to set up environmental preferences specific to their liking. 
It is no different from monitoring cyber activity with managed detection response for a network of devices. 
There is an innumerable amount of detection services for cybersecurity resolutions, but without personal management, or human interaction, these services will do nothing more than read a network’s activity. That’s the equivalent of installing security cameras just to watch criminal activity and do nothing about it. With an MDR (Managed Detection Response), after malicious activity is found, notifications are sent to a team of experts to help provide resolutions. 
Here’s why combining the work of humans with an automated system is more efficient and how problems can be avoided. 


When you combine the power of a cybersecurity system like SIEM with a team of experts, you receive a more efficient cyber defense. Rather than getting a generic service that does one of the following, reads all the incoming and outgoing activity, or reacts the same to every threat, enterprises can get a customizable service that is tailor-made to their network and have specialists react to threats for them. This is what a managed detection response service looks like. The unification of an automated system with resourceful experts gives companies the reassurance that nothing will be missed. 
Problems without Humans 
Even though humans are flawed with many things, for certain technologies to work properly, our personal touch is needed. As mentioned before, without experts scanning through the activity and recognizing actual threats, cybersecurity systems will either read and send a bunch of information that regular people won’t understand or treat every threat the same. You need knowledgeable specialists to customize the MDR to the needs of the enterprise’s specific network. 
Problems with Just Humans 
On the other hand, you need cybersecurity systems in order to process all the activity taking place within a network. There are hundreds of thousands, if not millions of logs within a network each day. Without a cybersecurity product to read all these logs and detect which ones are malicious, even the smartest specialists would be overwhelmed by the sheer number of logs, and they would not be able to filter through everything fast enough. 
You Need Both 
An IT guy or an IDS system is not enough to combat the threats of daily cyber-attacks, you need both a trusted cybersecurity system and an expert. Managed detection response is going to be the most efficient way to know what is going on within a network and find solutions to potential problems.  
Don’t sit back and watch as malicious activity filters through your network, contact us today. 

Published On: February 16th, 2024