No matter the size of your business, it’s important to invest in some sort of cybersecurity to keep all your data protected against potential cyber-attacks; not only should you be concerned with keeping your business’s data protected, but you should be doing everything in your power to make sure that your clients’ and your customers’ information is also kept private.

However, some small businesses might have budget constraints that might hold them back from hiring professional cybersecurity companies, so it’s important for them to be able to take cybersecurity into their own hands, if they’re capable. While we suggest protecting your company with a managed service provider (MSP), we have come up with a cybersecurity guide to help protect your small business from cyber-attacks.

Train Your Employees in Basic Security Principles

The best precaution to take is to establish basic security practices amongst your employees. Policies that should be followed include the creation of strong passwords, appropriate internet usage, and the proper handling of customer information. As harsh as it sounds, there should also be penalties enforced when employees violate company cybersecurity policies to ensure maximum safety.

Keep All Company Devices Clean

Most cybersecurity breaches happen when devices and software aren’t properly maintained. The best way to prevent such attacks is by ensuring that your devices have the latest software in web browsers, operating systems, and anti-virus software. These are the best solutions when it comes to preventing the possibility of malware or other online threats if you’re not receiving services from professional cybersecurity companies.

Secure Wi-Fi Networks

Another efficient way to keep your data secure from any possible online threats is by making sure that you have a secure Wi-Fi network. When it comes to this, it involves more than just setting up a password; you must make sure that the connection is secure, encrypted, and hidden.

Hiding your Wi-Fi network will require you to set up your wireless access point (router), so it does not broadcast a network name (SSID). You should also password-protect access to the router.

Limit Employee Access to Data and Limit Authority to Install Software

Employees don’t need access to all data systems, only the ones they need to fulfill their duties. Your employees should also need permission to install any software onto their devices to avoid the downloading of malicious software.

Set Up a Firewall

Firewalls are programs that prevent outsiders from accessing data on a private network. It’s important for your business to install or enable an operating system’s firewall, and to make sure that any employees working from home enable their system’s firewall.


Cybersecurity companies are ultimately the best way to ensure the security of your company and clients, but we understand that sometimes you might need alternative methods if you’re just starting up. If you need any assistance with anything that has to do with cybersecurity, give us a call today.

Published On: March 25th, 2024